Thursday, 24 October 2024

The Welcome Inn ................... the early days

Now some stories just have a habit of not wanting to go away.

They stay hanging around challenging you to go off and discover something new to add to what has already been said.

And so it is with the Welcome Inn which every time I feature the pub strikes a chord with many people usually about my age.

In particular it is tales of Sunday nights which continue to bubble up enriched by the memories of meeting future husbands or lasting friends.

And I should know because while I was just that bit too young to drink I would listen to the happy crowds coming back down Well Hall Road past our house in the mid 60s a little after closing time.

More recently I began looking for the history of the place, and while a few people were able to offer up names of past landlords the very early history of the pub proved illusory.

And then my old friend, fellow researcher and local historian Tricia Leslie told me about The Woolwich Story by E.F. E. Jefferson.

It is as she promised me a wonderful account of the Borough from the earliest of times up to its merger with Greenwich.

I have already used the book and know I shall go on plundering it for some time to come.

So in the chapter on the 1920s I came across this “On the brow of the hill stood a large wooden building used as a workmen’s club but demolished about 1927 when the Welcome Inn was built.  

This modern hostelry set new standards in both furnishing and service.  Seated in comfort, one had to preserve patience until the waiter came to take the order, for customers were not permitted to get their own drinks at the bar. 

But this arrangement proved too leisurely, annoyed those who only had time for a quick one and tended generally toward the restraint of trade. A wise host discontinued the practice.”

Now I have no idea when that service was discontinued but I well remember the practice was still in use in some of the big Manchester pubs in the late 1960s, with the waiters in white jackets and in some rooms a bell push to summon assistance.

Sadly there are few photographs of the waiters or indeed the interiors and it would be nice if any could be shared of the Welcome in its heyday.

So that is it.  I now know when the pub was open which was clearly aimed at the Progress Estate and the new build going up behind the pub and the appeal is out for pictures.

We shall see what we get.

But in the meantime I shall go looking at the electoral registers which will give us the names of the landlords or landladies from when it opened through to the 1960s.

Location, Eltham

Picture; the site of the Welcome courtesy of Jean and the cover of The Woolwich Story


  1. My parents Bill and Joan Hardy ran it from the early 60's until we moved to West Sussex in 1971

  2. There was an off-licence at the front at one time

  3. My father ran the loan club. Also bert hardy used it.

  4. My wedding reception there 2nd August 1969. Seen as quite up market then.The chef lived near us in Dumbreck Road.

  5. Please tell me this is possibly the same Welcome Inn where my in-laws met in Woolich at the end of World War II

    1. It was on Well Hall Road just down front Shooters Hill

    2. Appreciate the info but that doesn't help me figure it out. I had skimmed your article too quickly and missed seeing it was built in 1927. I'm sure that was the place my British father-in-law met my Welsh mother in law in the late 1940's. Sadly they are both gone, but their stories carry on in our memories.

    3. Corner of Well Hall Road and Westmount Road

    4. As I said the address means nothing to me. I appreciate your help, I'm pretty sure it's the right one. Pretty sure they, or their son visited on a trip to England some time in the late 90's, early 00's so there is a photo around somewhere. I'm confident it's correct because of when it was built. Safe to assume there were no other Welcome Inns in Woolwich.

    5. Well why not use Google maps which will show you the location if not the pub.

    6. I did before I contacted you. I've figured out what I need to know. I was just hoping for some clarification or more specific info from England as I am in Canada and writing my father-in-law's memoir of his experiences during WWII. Thanks for your help.

    7. Well would be happy to help, what might you want?

  6. Used to attend the dances held there. Run by Billy Smith, who also did the same at the Tigers Head in Catford, and The Saint Helier Arms in Carshalton. All venues packed out with partying teenagers, listening to the amazing sixties music! Billy also ran gigs with Don White, at Leyton Baths and the Chez Don club in Dalston, Many well known groups including the Rolling Stones, Freddie and the Dreamers, Swinging Blue Jean's, Screaming Lord Sutch and Millie, who was managed by Don. Exciting times. I was part of the security at the venues for a while.
