Wednesday 7 February 2024

Saying goodbye to a Chorlton friend ….

 It was seven years ago that we published the Quirks of Chorlton-cum-Hardy which featured stories of the people, places, and events which have contributed to the history of where live.

It was a different sort of history book, in that few of those we wrote about could be described as famous, but each left their mark.  Some like Alan Hollingum is a much-loved resident who is known for his distinctive appearance, others like David Wilkinson will be remembered as the friendly postman, and Allan Brown and Margorie Holmes had lived in Chorlton all their lives and had a rich treasure chest of memories.

On a December night in 2017 the launch of "Quirks"
We also included a heap of interesting buildings, a park, an archaeological dig, and a couple of housing estates, all of which sat beside some bizarre as well as tragic events, like the Great Chorlton Burial Scandal, The Twilight Sleep Home for Painless Childbirth and the Manchester Blitz.

The book was well received, went to a second reprint and is now gracefully edging towards going out of print. 

There are just six copies left and we have taken the decision to rest The Quirks of Chorlton-cum-Hardy with an option to produce an online copy sometime in the future.

But the underlying theme is too good to be left to sit on the shelf, so we will be returning to the people, places, and events of Chorlton in three small pocket-sized books.

So good an event Alan Hollingum popped in
Each will be 32 pages long, contain a mix of history, with original paintings by Peter Topping and “period” black and white pictures of old Chorlton.

So, there is it is …. shedloads of the stories in the tradition of stories you have come to trust, and which will help walk you  like a tourist  across our past.

No one and no place is ruled out so if you want to nominate a topic for one of the three books let us know by leaving a comment on the blog, via social media or by contacting us direct at 

And David Wilkinson, his wife and the Lord Mayor arrived

In the meantime, the first in our new series on the historic pubs of Chorlton will be in the book shops later this month.

It tells the fascinating story of the Horse and Jockey and draws on recent research.

And will be followed by editions on the Bowling Green Hotel, the Beech, Trevor Arms, The Lloyds, Royal Oak, Sedge Lynn and Spread Eagle.

Along with a bonus book on "The Lost Chorlton Pubs".

Pictures; the book launch for the Quirks of Chorlton-cum-Hardy, December 4, 2017, Chorlton Library courtesy of ALTOSOUNDS

1 comment:

  1. Sensible decision - and very much looking forward to the new projects!
