Thursday, 9 January 2025

Lost and forgotten streets of Manchester nu 37 ........ Market Place again

This is another of those streets which has not only been forgotten but was lost forever in the redevelopment of the area on the northern side of Market Street in the late 1960s and 70s.

Market Place, circa 1886
For the curious wanting to try and locate where it once began on Market Street stand with your back to the Royal Exchange, just a little up from Exchange Street facing Marks and Spencer and you are pretty much looking at it.

Today  there is an echo in the still relatively recently cut  New Cathedral Street heads off in the same direction as our old street.

Mr Kenyon's pun
Now I can’t be sure of the date of the picture, but in 1886 Samuel Kenyon was running the Wellington Inn and opposite him Mr S Hanson was dealing in all manner of “hosiery” shirts and a lot more.

Nine years later and the Wellington was being run by Mrs Elizabeth Kenyon and a Mr James S Hanson is trading from the property opposite.

Of course our picture postcard has been retouched and was sent in 1905, long after Mr Samuel Kenyon had passed on.

All of which is a lesson in what you do with a picture postcard of a historic part of the city.

And that is about it.

There will be people who remember the old Market Place and the shed load of little streets courts and alleys that led off.

Market Place circa 1880s
Which just leads me to make an appeal for any stories, pictures or memories of the place that Derek the Developer did for it

I am sure that these may well include some of those fascinating places with names like Blue Boar Court, Bull Heads Yard, Sun Entry and Angel Yard.

Well we shall see.

And for the very observant, yes Market Place did feature in an early story in the series, but back then I had forgotten I had this fine image of the place, and so what goes round comes round.

Or something like that.

Now for those wanting to recreate the walk, you can't.

New Cathedral Street, 2016
The best I can offer is the map, some pictures which can be found on Manchester's Local Image Collection and New Cathedral Street, which as I said almost follows the same route.

Location; Manchester

Picture; Market Place, circa 1886, from the collection of Mrs Bishop, New Cathedral Street, 2016 from the collection of Andrew Simpson,  and and the area in the circa 1880s from Goad’s Fire Insurance Maps, courtesy of Digital Archives Association,

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