Monday 18 December 2023

Be happy ........ Manchester 1979

Now the event is lost in time.

It was after all nearly forty years ago, and I have no recollection of coming across this group, but I did because I have the pictures which I took.

I know we were beside St Ann’s Church on that small open area just across from the Square.

I wish I had carefully recorded the event but the wallet holding the strip of negatives, just says "Manchester, 1979-80".

And that is it.

The performers look happy, and the bystanders a tad bemused, and with the passage of time I can’t even remember what I thought.

Still I like the pictures, of which there were about six, all shot in rapid succession.

There may be someone who remembers the performance, or better still was one of the group, who on that Saturday all those years ago, took to the streets of City offering up a bit of fun on the day.

Location; Manchester

Pictures; the performers, circa 1979-80 from the collection of Andrew Simpson

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