Saturday, 6 February 2021

Tourist attractions at Castlefield …….

Now, someone in the know will be able to offer up Andy Robertson, an explanation for these floating “things” in the water.

He encountered them recently in a “medium stroll”, and I have to say they aren’t the usual waterside feature.

They appear to be secured to the bridge with rope or cable and for extra decorative effect include a steel barrel and chair.

Answers on a prepaid postcard addressed to the local Tourist Board, or as a comment to the story.

Be brief, be imaginative, …… funny if you so wish, but never rude or crude.

Such displays of vulgarity will be ignored.

Andy did go on to submit a more reflective picture which captures the canal on a grey wet day.

Location; Castlefield

Pictures; Castlefield, 2021, from the collection of Andy Robertson

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