Sunday 28 June 2015

Down on Princess Road ......... sixteen months on

February 2014
Now it’s been a year and a bit since Andy wandered along Princess Road.

Back then he captured that block of shops just before it went for ever.

And it set me off on a whole set of stories about the businesses that traded from this spot including the pawnbrokers who in their time owned a chain of shops and were still trading in Stockport last year.

The series set off a shedful of memories of shopping along this stretch in the 1950s and 60s so just maybe these new ones of Andy’s will do the same.

June 2015
And who knows might bring forth a collection of old snaps which have lain half forgotten in an album or cupboard.

Now there are plans for the site which have been approved, but if you want to know what they are you will have to follow the link back to the earlier stories.

Alternatively you can visit the City's on line planning permission site which I regularly consult, often in response to one of Andy's pictures showing the end of a once proud house or set of shops.

I do have to say it amazes me how long it can take from the approval of a plan to redevelop to the moment Derek the demolition man with his chum Barry Bulldozer get going and sometimes even longer before the ground is broken and work begins on something new.

Which is pretty much where we are with this bit of as yet non development.

Still the flowers are nice.

Pictures; Princess Road February 2014, and June 2015, from the collection of Andy Robertson

*Princess Road,

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