Tuesday 14 May 2024

When Stretford was sniffy about Chorlton-cum-Hardy

Now I know this will upset the residents of Stretford and no doubt bits of Chorlton too but it happened and here is the story.

Strolling by the park circa 1900
Back in 1913 the Manchester Courier reported on plans by the Stretford District Council “to establish a public museum at Longford Park”*

It was felt that “that among the residents many relics of Old Stretford, historical and literary, and probably natives who had removed further afield might have in their possession objects which would be of great interest to the present generation.”

And to this end one room of Longford Hall would be given over to the exhibits.

So far so good, but the chair of the Stretford District Council also chose to take a swipe at the residents of Chorlton commenting that the said Chorlton residents were “making a footpath across the park from the Ryecroft road entrance to that in Edge Lane.  If it still persisted he should feel it his duty to recommend to the Council to close the entrance from Chorlton-cum-Hardy.”

And that is all I shall say.

Location Stretford

Picture; on Edge Lane strolling by Longford Park in the early 1900s, courtesy of Sally Dervan

*Local Art Collection in Longford Park, Manchester Courier, July 2, 1913


  1. It is to the shame of Trafford Council that most exhibits from Longford Hall have 'disappeared' along with several artworks that have been sold off without the knowledge of Stretford residents, there are apparently several more in Traffords vaults. I would like what is left to be put on public display at a secure venue such as our Library or Town Hall for a set time each year.

  2. Love reading your updates. They are always full of interesting nuggets of information. I remember when Longford Park fence (on the Chrolton end of Edge Lane) was broken, as kids we used to love to sneak in once the gates on Edge Lane and Rybank Road were locked. Always dodging the Parkie!

  3. A museum was established at Longford Hall in 1914, with pride of place given to an outstanding collection of Oriental art loaned by Mr John Hilditch of Chorlton. The museum closed due to the war but reopened in 1926, with Mr Hilditch (now living in Crumpsall) again loaning his collection.Stretford Council understood he would bequeath the collection to them but he died intestate in 1931 and the collection was dispersed.

    Stretford's Parks Committee first complained in 1912 about people taking shortcuts across the grass from the Ryebank Road entrance. In 1914, they resolved to deal with the problem by creating a shubbery, with barbed wire in the middle.

  4. Excellent memory update Andrew
