Wednesday 22 May 2024

Tramming it in Ulm

Now it’s slim pickings when you come to look for information on the tram network in the German city of Ulm.

But then it only operates two lines with one site boasting “Our strength: short distances”.*

That said it still has 22 trams and operates over 15 miles, with one of its destinations the Science Park.

Of course, when my travelling chum sent over his picture I was a tad sceptical that he was in Ulm given the sign on the front of tramcar no.65  says it is going to the Science Park, but even I know the German for Science Park is …… Wissenschaftspark.

Not that I am surprised.

We watch a lot of Italian TV and in the last few years English has invaded chat show conversations, news bulletins and adverts.

Still I shouldn't be harsh, they have been running their trams since 1897, and in "2018, a second main line was added to the former single tram line that had been left of the former network since 1964".**

Perhaps my friend will have better luck in Frieburg which is the next stop.

We shall see.

Location; Ulm

Picture; the Ulm tram bound for the Wissenschaftspark, 2024

*Public Transport in Ulm/Neu-Ulm,

**Trams in Ulm,

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