Sunday 12 May 2024

Who owns Chorlton's history?

 Well of course all of us because we all have memories, stories and pictures which make up Chorlton's past.

But the question is this.

Who has the right to lift the stories, memories and pictures of others without permission to post in social media or in books or periodicals?

And the answer of course is they don't, unless  "the thing" in question is no longer copyright or it is reasonable to think the owner can no longer be traced.

It is not enough to argue that if it is on the net it is fair game. 

That would be to argue a garden gate in front of house can be appropriated simply because it is there on the street.

The rule is simple ... always ask permission, always credit the author or photographer or ........ just don't use it.

Pictures; Chorlton Precinct,circa 1979, from the collection of Andrew Simpson

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