Saturday 29 June 2019

Art and History ………are where you find them

Now I am the first to admit that as a title it is pretty daft, but it neatly sums up the discovery of a bit of art on the back of a lavatory door in Piccadilly Railway Station.

They were taken by my friend Lois who was up from the south west to see the Mavericks.

We had a arranged to meet for the day, and because she was seeing friends off to Birmingham, and Leicester, Piccadilly seemed the obvious place to meet.

And also being a writer, Lois was intrigued by the paintings reproduced in the lavatory.

I have no idea who painted them or whether similar ones are present in the Gents, but I am fairly convinced someone will offer up chapter and verse.

But for now they were a perfect start to a day which took us across the Northern Quarter where there are plenty of “street paintings”, briefly into Chorlton to see the “History Wall” and then back into town for a meal.

So that is it.

I think I will take a trip back to the railway station to see if there are similar ones in the Gents, and maybe head off to Victoria to check out their lavatory door paintings.

Perhaps there are also others in public buildings I have yet to visit, which prompts the thought that perhaps here we have a new series to rival that of Street Furniture, Coal Hole Covers and Water Troughs.

We shall see.

Leaving me as ever just to  thank Lois for the pictures, and an enteratining day which we reflected marks a 50 year friendship.

Location; Piccadilly Railway Station

Pictures; 2019; from the collection of Lois Elsden

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