Friday 7 May 2021

How I miss local elections ………… May 2021 three of four ..... Chorlton and the Didsbury's

Now the blog does elections.* 

Over the years it has burrowed deep into both Parliamentary and local elections, explored who could vote over the last two centuries and reflected on the popularity of the main political parties.

And each year it does that little exercise of transcribing local results onto a spreadsheet and representing them as a series of graphs.

Nerdy I grant you, but it beat watching paint dry, and has the added bonus that it forms a neat set of history stories.

This year of course is a little different.  

The absence of elections last year because of Covid, and  the interest in the nationalist vote in Scotland along with the electoral success of the Labour Party have drawn in the experts, and pretty much anyone who thinks their opinion is worth listening to.

All this  combined with the variety of elections to different bodies has inevitably coined the term “Super Thursday”.

And the sheer number of elections has meant that some results will not be declared until Saturday.

So here as they have tumbled out of the count are the results for Chorlton,   Didsbury East and West with Chorlton Park  to follow. 

And breaking news, Labour hold at Chorlton Park  with over 3,000 votes. 


**Election results for Manchester City Council, 2021,

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