Friday 24 February 2023

The Christening ......... Greenwich, 1980

A christening like a wedding is a very personal event, but the passage of time can allow them to become fascinating glimpses into our collective past.

It might be the period clothes, the untold stories stretching forward over a century or just the novelty of seeing strangers being very happy at a significant point in their family’s story.

Back in 1980 the first of dad’s grandchildren was christened, an event which was followed by the birth of eleven more and now some great grandchildren.

All of which means that these pictures are not that old, nor was the occasion attended by any celebrity and nothing untoward happened, other than that we all got together had a good time and celebrated the first born of the next generation.

I had completely forgotten I had taken the pictures which only came to light as I slowly turned old black and white negatives from the days of smelly photography into digital images.

The collection consists of hundreds of photographs taken between 1978 until1984 when I pretty much stopped.

They cover demonstrations, events and just street scenes spread out across Manchester, London and Birmingham.

I don’t claim they are any better than the pictures of the great photographers but they will do for me.

Location; Greenwich, 1980

Pictures; the Christening, 1980, London from the collection of Andrew Simpson

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