Wednesday 11 September 2024

It’s what they do ….. when you are not there …… knocking down Eltham Baths

Now, for everyone who never left Eltham or moved in some time at the turn of this century the demolition of Eltham Baths is not news.

But then I left for good in 1973, and on visits back over the next few decades, it was just a place to show the kids…… one of Eltham’s landmarks.

It was built between 1938-39, contained two swimming pools, the larger one had tiered seating for 320 spectators and a smaller one was mainly intended for instruction.

A hydrotherapy pool was added in 1968.*

But I haven’t been back for a while, and our last flying visit took us down Well Hall Road, past the old family home and on to Woolwich, a river crossing and the long journey back to Manchester.

So, I was only vaguely aware that the baths had closed in 2008, and were knocked down three years later.

I would like to say that a little bit of my childhood had been taken away when it shut its doors, but I must confess I never went.

We only washed up in Well Hall in 1964, and by then I was past going to swimming pools, although I have fond memories of the open air one in Danson Park in the long hot summers of the late 1960s.

Sad to say that has also gone…… closed in 1979, demolished in the 1980s and now grassed over.

So, I indebted to the site Blackfen Past and Present which informed me that, “Danson was opened as a public park in 1925 and was a popular place for meeting up with friends and family. 

There was an aviary containing birds near the Mansion, a boating lake, miniature railway and deck chairs for hire. A swimming pool opened on 25 July 1936, located on the southern edge of the park. 

There was a large rectangular main pool with an ornamental fountain, a paddling pool for children and a beginners’ pool. There was a cafe selling pots of tea and on hot summer days it was wise to get there early to avoid disappointment as queues would run all down the road”.**

The passage of time has left those visits a bit of a blur, but I do remember waiting outside the Rising Sun, with John Coward, and two friends from Eltham Green nursing a hangover and waiting for a bus to the pool.

All of which has taken me away from Eltham Baths, and a fine selection of photographs taken by John King and posted today on social media.

I  thank John for giving me permission to reproduce them.

The eagle eyed will have spotted I have omitted pictures of Danson Park, but then Tricia posted some recently so it has not been entirely missed out.

Leaving me just to reflect I really must get back to Eltham more frequently.

Location; Eltham

Pictures; Eltham Baths, 2008-2019, from the collection of John King

*Former Eltham Baths, Mola,

**Danson Park Swimming Pool, Blackfen Past and Present, December 31, 2014,

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