Tuesday 24 September 2024

One book …. the author …... and a chance to find out more ..... today at Benitos in Chorlton

Now I am looking forward to reading “Mission: Find Mum” by Jo Somerset, who will be at Benito Lounge, 597 Wilbraham Road, M21 9AJ, today between 12 & 2.

Jo ill be talking about her book s part of the Chorlton Book Festival.

It is years since I have read a  book specifically written for young people, so I have fallen on this one, which combines, drama, adventure, and is set against some of the really “big issues” of the day.

The publishers back notes refer to “Two children from Birmingham look for their mum on a remote Scottish island. The novel explores climate activism,

heritage, disability, betrayal and family secrecy in the context of an adventure. 12-year-old Isla’s Mum has disappeared.

With 8-year-old brother Lac, Isla traces her to a Scottish island. Fighting hostile weather, wild elements and suspicious

adults, they find Mum and discover her secret about their missing Dad. Completing the mission helps hearing-impaired

Isla learn how to live with uncomfortable layers of truth without compromising her own self”.

Now I had planned to be there but work has intervened in the form of a deadline, leaving me to apologise to Jo and say she is based in Manchester, "completed a MA in Creative Writing in May 2020 at the University of Salford, where she received the Leanne Bridgewater Award for Innovation and Experiment. Like Isla, Jo grew up in Birmingham with an unspoken Celtic heritage. 

A love of the Hebrides and her experience with a blended family underlie Isla’s heartfelt journey towards finding her origins and a new self-belief”.

Stairwell Books: The best York and Yorkshire writing; select American authors

T: 01904733767 UK, 1-203-846-0099 USA, W: stairwellbooks.co.uk

Publicity: Rose Drew. E: rose@stairwellbooks.com

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