Saturday 8 July 2023

Turning off Plumstead High Street and finding a Saxon Church .....

Now you would think that I would have known the church of St Nicholas.

After all I worked on the High Street and both our Jillian and Elizabeth once lived close by.

But I never did and for that I am a bit ashamed given that it has a history which dates back to 960 just 80 odd years after Alfred burned his cakes, bits date from the twelfth century and its tower went up sometime during the 1660s.

And looking at this picture from 1915 the casual observer might well think nothing much has changed, which is a tribute to the restoration work done in 1959 following enemy action during the last world war  which caused severe damage to the structure.

So that is about it.

I could have included a modern picture to match our 1915 one, but if you live in Plumstead or have lived in Plumstead you will know what it looks like, and for everyone else I suggest you turn to page 94 of Woolwich Through Time which has a then and now set of photographs.

And that really is it leaving me to wait for a comment from our Elizabeth and Colin and my old friend Tricia.

Location; Plumstead

Picture; St Nicholas Church, Plumstead, 1915, from Woolwich Through Time

*Woolwich Through Time, Kristina Bedford, 2014


  1. Lovely to see the old Churches & feel their History.
    My parents were married at St Mark's, Plumstead Common.3 out of four of their children including myself were Christened there. I used to go there for Sunday School & very occasionally we would go into the Church for a special occasion, perhaps at Christmas or Easter & also for Harvest Festival. I can still feel the see that I felt going into the Church & singing the lovely Hymns. Soe of them are my favourites to this day. Praise My Soul the King of Heaven, Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King of Creation. We emigrated to New Zealand ehen I was 12. It took me a very long time to get back. One of the places top of my list to see in 2005 was my old Church. ��

  2. Aw, I grew up off Wickham Lane and used to attend Brownies associated with this church. I didn’t realise how old it was 😊
