Sunday 8 August 2021

What has happened ….. and what is yet to happen …… Barlow Moor Road

I guess most of us just get on with things and barely notice to what degree where we live is changing.

The Spire, 2015-2021

Now there is nothing odd in that, complacency and busy lives often result on us missing that house which has been abandoned, the closed shop or the new development.

Nor will most of us, take out the time to record those changes.

Andy Robertson does, and indeed has been chronicling the changes to the city, to Greater Manchester, and here in Chorlton.*

Leon's, 2021

It is a project he has been engaged in for over two decades and later historians will thank him for doing so.

Because having chosen a site, Andy will return week, and month and even years to record what is happening, from empty and derelict building to its demolition, clearance of the site, and the process of breaking the ground and building a new.

So, here is the Spire, private Hospital on Barlow Moor Road, from 2015, and now.

Along with the shop that is Leon's, but was once a laundry, and the development to its left and the rising construction to its right.

Location; Barlow Moor Road

Pictures; of Barlow Moor Road, 2015-2021, from the collection of Andy Robertson

*Andy Robertson,

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