Wednesday 26 November 2014

Another bit of our recent industrial past about to disappear ........... down at Warwick Road South

Now we pretty much neglect our most recent industrial history.

Those solid textile mills with their tall chimneys, the giant iron and steel works along with the iconic pit head gear are all images which capture a moment in our past.

But the modern office and factories which were built often on the site of the older industrial past are at best ignored and at worst seen as modern blots on the landscape.

Many of these now seem in danger, not that I hasten to add I am calling for their preservation some seem ugly and brutal to me.  But then fifty years on I dare say they will be judged in the same way we regard those 19th century industrial buildings.

So here are two shots from Andy Robertson’s camera of Warwick Road South which is close to the Old Trafford tram stop.

With a degree of modesty which belies the work Andy does he commented that “with it being my day off and after various chores I was getting cheesed off with the weather but determined to go out.

At about 2.30 the rain had almost stopped hence these pictures. Perhaps they deserve the backdrop of miserable skies!

Boring pictures but who knows what might be developed there in the future. Given the proximity to the tram stop and the Cricket Ground it could become a car park?”

Now I disagree that they are boring and I suspect that not so long into the future hen the site is developed with a retail or office unit standing above a sprawling underground car park his pictures will provide a unique
record of when this bit of Old Trafford had its own industrial history.

Pictures; Warwick Road South, 2014 from the collection of Andy Robertson

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