Tuesday 2 December 2014

84 Plymouth Grove that once and future home

Now I am ashamed to admit that 84 Plymouth Grove, home to Mrs Gaskell pretty much passed me by.

I knew of Mrs Gaskell, had read Mary Barton and passed the house a few times but that was it.

Nor do I intend to revisit her life or rehash the history of 84 Plymouth Grove which has been done countless times, instead I shall just focus on the restored house.

Work began in 2009 and finished in 2014 after extensive research into what the interior would have been like when Mrs Gaskell lived there.

All of which fulfils that idea of a once and future house.

After all you can wander around the home of the Bronte sisters  in Howarth and in time I hope to do the same in 84 Plymouth Grove

And I rather think I will feature more of Andy Robertson’s pictures taken on one of those more gentle November days.

Pictures; 84 Plymouth Grove, 2014

*Howarth, http://chorltonhistory.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Haworth

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