Tuesday 11 June 2024

We all have our own Albert Square …….

Now Albert Square has always been a favourite place to photograph, even if the position of the Town Hall makes a perfectly posed shot difficult for most of us.

And just like I guess we all have our own chosen picture, depending on when you were growing up which may well determine the Albert Square you prefer.

But there will be no one left alive who can remember the crowds gathering to hear the Lord Mayor standing on the steps of the Town Hall, declaring the news of the end of the Great War.

Likewise those who celebrated V.E. Day around the statue of Prince Albert in May 1945 will be a dwindling band.

All of which brings me to this Albert Square, dating from 1950, when cars took the place of pedestrians, both on the square and all down Princess Street.

Enough said.

Location; Manchester

Pictures; Albert Square, 1950, from a series of picture postcards by Tuck and Son, courtesy of Tuck DB, Pictures;  https://tuckdb.org/

1 comment:

  1. Always brings a lump in my throat. My father worked in the Treasurers dept. (1915 to 1955) with a couple of years out in the trenches of France.
    Spent many a happy hour playing on the adding machines of watching the Whit walks from his office window
