Saturday 15 June 2024

Happy birthday Central Ref ……. come and join the party tomorrow

 It is of course a tad premature, for while this is the 90th year of books, events, exhibitions and unparalleled research opportunities the Ref was not officially opened until July 17th.

You can come back in again, 2014

But that would be to miss this month’s celebrations on Sunday June 16thnull when, “Central Library celebrates 90 years since its grand opening. …… during Festival of Libraries Week, celebrating the old and the new, and the venue’s many highlights and successes over the past 90 years. Featuring music, performances, crafts, displays, and lots more fantastic family fun”. *

Doing the study bit, 1934
Now I can’t claim I was there for the official opening in 1934, but I have done 55 years, starting in 1969 when as a student I spent chunks of Saturdays in the big impressive Social Science library.

Followed up by nights in the Library Theatre, the obligatory visits to show family and friends the place, and finally back again in the 2000’s to engaged in heaps of different research for various books.

Like many I have come to love the Ref, and more so after it’s makeover in 2014, which not only fixed the bits that needed fixing after 80 years but created somewhere which was fit for the 21st century and on the way created a more open and lively venue of work, exhibitions and just meeting up with people.

Stairs, glass and heaps of light, 2022

We will all have our own special memories of the place, and I suppose mine span my whole 55 years.**  But of those there will be those Saturdays sat in massive circular Social Science library with its rows of tables, the inspiring message in the ceiling and listening to hushed conversations interrupted by the occasional thud of a book dropped somewhere on the other side of the room.

Souvenir, 1934
And then much later exploring long forgotten documents in the Archives supplemented with trawling old newspapers in Local History, along with several events associated with books I have written.

But enough of such personal stuff and instead back to the events of June 16th  and a day which promises “fantastic family fun including: But enough of such personal stuff and instead back to the events of June 16th  and a day which promises “fantastic family fun including:

Edible Storytime, Manchester Histories Shadow Theatre, RNCM musicians playing and taking about their instruments, Community Performances,String Quartet, Acoustic sessions, RNCM Jazz Trio, Face Painting, Hands on crafts".

Souvenir, 1934
So that is about it ...... 90 years of  books, events, exhibitions and unparalleled research opportunities, not to mention those performances by the Library Theatre in the basement.

I can't remember the first I saw there but over the years they included musicals, some comedies, and fair few Shakespeare's and the odd panto.

Added to which there are those memories of when the safety curtain came down and coloured blobs were projected onto the blank canvas .... all very 1970s.

All bettered by the dash for the bar in the interval, and the frantic search for the drinks ordered before the performance started.

Leaving me with just that other experience which was the old café also in the basement, with its mix of sandwiches, sweets and warm brown stuff which passed for coffee and while I like the place I have to confess to enjoying the new one much better.

Promises much, 2022

End of memories.

Location; Manchester

All that there is to explore, 2022
Picture; Central Ref in 2014 & 2023, from the collection of Andrew Simpson, the Social Sciences Library, 1934, Kurt Hübschmann, m51687, courtesy of Manchester Libraries, Information and Archives, Manchester City Council,   souvenirs from the opening courtesy of Linda Rigby, Philip Gregson

*Library Live,

**Central Ref

Mystery stairs, 2023


1 comment:

  1. So many happy memories! So much part of my life! I must mention the café’s fabulous passion cake - I have never found anything approaching it despite a life long search! It has become mythic!!
