Tuesday 13 August 2019

Shopping on demand ....... 1901 ....the silly story

Now, one of those new developments in the world of publishing, is print on demand.

It is superficially a very attractive idea, which does not involve printing vast numbers of books which sit in a warehouse or the stockroom of a bookshop, unwanted and almost forgotten, until they are sold off at a knock down prices or go for recycling.

And, of course it has the added attraction that some of our finite resources are not used up in a frivolous manner, be it the paper, or the electricity used to create the book.

It is how the charity, which commissioned me to write their history, have decided to go,* and it is one especially favoured by specialist dealers in historic books, which long ago went out of print but have been digitized and become available either as a download or one off print run.

So, sitting there last week reflecting on this new phase of retaining, I was amused to find it had all been done before, by the Falcon Brass Works, who in 1901 advertised “Why keep Unnecessary Stock?  When a Post Card, Wire, or Telephone Message ………will enable you to receive at once the Exact Quantity of the ‘The Food’”**

Location; London

Picture; Kelly’s Southern Suburban Directory, 1901

*The story of the Together Trust, 1870-2020, The Together Trust, https://www.togethertrust.org.uk/

**Kelly’s Southern Suburban Directory, 1901

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