Wednesday 1 November 2023

A shop, a blue plaque and …… lots of Chorlton history …. November 12th, at midday

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that any place in possession of a past, must be in want of a  blue plaque.*

At which point some readers will mutter “clever blighter” and others will be appalled at the misquote from the opening lines of Pride and Prejudice.

But it does its bit in introducing Chorlton’s second blue plaque which will be unveiled at Ken Fosters cycle shop on Barlow Moor Road on November 12th at midday.

The idea of a blue plaque trail has been floating around for a while, but the impetus came from Stephen Smith who wanted to record those people in Chorlton who in some way have made a contribution to where we live, coupled with buildings or events that are part of our history.

Ken Foster and his dad and grandfather, 1950s
They are not necessarily looking to remember the conventional “famous person” or the most elegant property, but people and buildings which are significant in our own history.

The scheme is one of the initiatives sponsored by Chorlton Civic Society which has begun to collect suggestions for further plaques and has already attracted a group of keen supporters.

All of which brings us back to Ken Fosters which is the oldest cycle shop in Chorlton, and which has also engaged in heaps of activities for the community as well as acting as a venue for exhibitions, and hosting a diverse mix of cultural events.

So, come and join us at Ken Fosters Cycles, 374-376 Barlow Moor Rd, Chorlton, Manchester M21 8AZ on Sunday November 12th at 12.00pm.

After the unveiling there will be a short history talk from Andrew Simpson on Chorlton stories followed by light refreshments in the shop.

Location; Barlow Moor Road

Pictures, Ken Foster and his dad and grandfather, 1950s, from the collection of Ken Foster

*"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife”, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen, 1813

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