Tuesday, 14 November 2017

The story behind the Quirks of Chorlton-cum-Hardy ...... part 1

Now as everyone knows the publishing event of the year will be the arrival of the new book on Chorlton and its past.

It will be available from November 17th and copies can be pre ordered by following the link.*

It is the story of the bits of Chorlton that don’t get into the history books, from some well loved personalities to little known facts like the goat enclosure and swimming pool in Chorlton Park and the  strange meandering course of the Rough Leach Gutter.

And because Peter and I are not parochial we have included stories from Whalley Range, Didsbury and Stretford and celebrated that great highway that is Barlow Moor Road.**

But as quirky as the book is, there is a serious side to why we set about the exercise and here over the next couple of days are the stories behind the book starting with Peter’s story.

"From the mind's eye of Peter Topping.

The more I painted Chorlton in my 'Moment in Time' series, the more I saw how unusual it was.

Not just the buildings but the people and their way of life. Take for instance Alan Hollingum, I had seen him walking down the road on many an occasion and admired his style of life. Handmade flowery silk shirts, tailor made trousers a brief case and umbrella... And all from the 1960s  and 1970s period. He was a psychedelic pleasure to paint.

And the Lych Gate, what a quirky name for a building, looking for all, that it had lived in Chorlton from the beginning of time, but, it was only built in the late 1800s. Did it ever have a bell in its tower? Perhaps I should ask Andrew if he knows.

But not just that, it's the whole mixing pot of Chorlton that I have grown to love even more, since I moved here nearly fifty years ago. The multi racial, multi cultural people with their Chorlton way of doing things.

Lots of the buildings may have changed their use but they still look the same. Especially places like The Conservative Club, The Sedge Lynn and half the bars in Chorlton.

But I must end the waxing lyrical thing because, as I am always telling Andrew... "I paint the pictures and he tells the stories".

And on the eve of the book arriving in Chorlton it will be my turn to offer up a story.

Location; Chorlton, Whalley Range, Didsbury and Stretford ..... it’s got the lot.**

Painting; Alan Hollingum © 2017 Peter Topping, Paintings from Pictures, The Lych Gate © 2013 Peter Topping, Paintings from Pictures

*The Quirks of Chorlton-cum-Hardy, will be available from November 17 from Chorlton Book Shop or from http://www.pubbooks.co.uk/ and copies can be pre ordered from http://www.pubbooks.co.uk/ or 07521557888

**Once the railway line was the boundary between Chorlton and beyond.


  1. Alan Hollingum - a great teacher. Best I ever had at Central Manchester College in the mid 80s.

  2. Ditto - an amazing lecturer!

  3. Agreed, he taught me Sociology. Never seen the world the same way since. David Chaytor who became an jailed MP was course lead. Interesting years!

  4. I remember being taught A Level sociology in Alans evening class best teacher I ever encountered and what a style icon .

  5. So true about Alan, what a legend!! I was in his A Level Sociology class at St Johns College, in the early 80's. I got to University because of his tutelage.

  6. I worked with him for 15 years: all comments above are so true.
