Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Cleaning, polishing and answering the door ........... domestic service in Chorlton in 1927

I have long been interested in domestic service, ever since I researched the working conditions in rural Chorlton in the first half of the 19th century.*

By the end of that century even the most humble of families sought the prestige of at least one domestic servant.

And in many households there was just the one, who often went under the title of maid of all work and that was exactly what her job entailed.

So in a large house hold where there might gradations of servants from butlers, and housekeepers to kitchen staff and many more in the more modest homes there was but one and she did it all.

Now I have come across descriptions of the work of such servants from the 19th century but here courtesy of Bob Jones is one from 1927.

In that year his mum came across from Yorkshire and began work in the big house on Alexandra Road.

In the fullness of time I will go looking for that house and the family that lived there but for now I shall just leave you with her job description.

I could reflect on the many tasks that had to be undertaken or the degree to which new home appliances like the "vac" and the telephone would change the working day, but perhaps I will just point out that missing day which was the Wednesday, her day off.

Pictures; job description for a maid, 19267, courtesy of Bob Jones

*The Story of Chorlton-cum-Hardy, http://chorltonhistory.blogspot.co.uk/2011/11/the-story-of-chorlton-cum-hardy.html

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