Wednesday, 12 March 2025

A history of Didsbury in just 20 objects number 7 ........... a country lane

The story of Didsbury in just twenty objects, chosen at random and delivered in a paragraph.

Lapwing Lane, circa 1914
I could have chosen any of Didsbury's country lanes, but this one I like, because the house on the right featured in an earlier story*, and it hints at the transformation of Didsbury from small rural community to a suburb of Manchester.  We are on the corner of Wilmslow Road, looking west along Lapwing Lane.  The house dates from 1896, and to the south there are still just fields, but this small spot of the township would soon be built over.

Location; Didsbury

Picture; Lapwing Lane circa 1914

*The house, a field and the stories of Mr. Nathan Slater and Henry Hawkins ……… 174 years of Didsbury’s past,


  1. Fast forward to 1986 and this house was then flats - and where I first lived when I moved to Manchester.

  2. Gosh Andrew ..... time for the plaque.

  3. The area to the left is the grounds of a mansion called Park Field which used to sit at the junction of Elm Rd and Parkfield Road South. Not to be confused with the Park Field House that sits there now, both parts of Elm Road formed the drive to the house. It was demolished in about 1908 and I can't for the life of me find any pictures of it.

  4. The houses were built in 1908 on the field to the left (south side of Lapwing Lane), so this picture must have been before that.
