Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Be Happy ………… Manchester ….. 1979

With the passage of over 40 years I have no memory of who or what this group of clowns was doing in St Ann’s Place.

I didn’t ask, and they never said but I can remember thinking it was fun and I had to take some pictures.

Today I might be a little more circumspect at snapping strangers, but I rather think the older me would be bolder and would engage them in conversation.

But I didn’t and that is my loss.

Still I do have the images and remember the expressions of puzzlement on the faces of the passers-by.

Today, such scenes are far more common place, although they do tend to happen on Market Street, which given the large numbers of people makes sense.

They may have been from Drama Department of the Poly, but I don't know, and it would idle speculation to try and determine where they were from.

That said someone might recognise themselves.

We shall see.

Location; St Ann’s Place

Pictures; Be Happy, circa 1979, from the collection of Andrew Simpson

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