Wednesday 12 January 2022

Wilbraham Road sometime in the 1920s

Sometimes you set out to tell a little story and without really making much of an effort a collection of them fall together.  And so it has happened with this short series on Wilbraham Road in the decades after 1913.

This is the row of shops and flats called Egerton Arcade.

Now I don’t have a date for the picture, but I guess it must be late 1920s or perhaps even the early 30s.

And little appears to have changed; the road is still empty and dominated by the tram although the horse and cart have now been replaced by a car.

To our immediate left is the entrance to what had been the Chorlton Theatre and Winter Gardens, but it is unclear whether it is still there.

It had been our first cinema but closed during the inter war years when the first two purpose built and much grander cinemas opened. *

Despite the fact that perhaps only a decade has passed it might well have been longer and it’s the little things that are the clues.  No one now stares at the photographer with curiosity; in fact if anything people just ignore him, while the parade of shops to our right are well established.

Picture; from the Lloyd collection

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