Tuesday 2 July 2024

A Royal Tudor bed and a Northern Rogue ……. the exhibition at the Cathedral ….. starting today

This is an event I am looking forward to.

It’s the story of George Shaw who Peter Lindfield writes “was the West Yorkshire architect-antiquary-forger, who created Tudor-revival homes in Victorian Britain and whose sizeable workforce churned out numerous pieces of fake Tudor furniture sold to Northern aristocrats as genuine family possessions”.

His co-curated exhibition is “at Manchester Cathedral from July 2nd will shine a spotlight on Shaw's ingenuity and highlight his broad, challenging output”. 

It is on until August 11th before transferring to Chetham’s until August 15th.

And along with pictures and information panels the exhibition includes  a selection of the original beds. 

One is by Mr. George Shaw, that delightful if less than entirely honest "Northern Rogue", the other is the Tudor original that served as the template for his deceptions. 

Leaving me just to conclude “For the first time, the work of George Shaw, a Tudor Revival architect from Uppermill, is reunited with his inspiration in a building that he Tudorised around 1848”

Location; Manchester Cathedral till August 11th and then Chetham’s until August 15th

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