Friday 17 May 2019

When Andy Robertson walked out ………….. down Chester Road

Pictures of doors remain a fascinating subject for photographers.

And so when Andy sent over this one of those two doors on Chester Road, it just had to be included.

We have already joked that there should be a day when we rename the blog, the Andy Robertson blog, given that over the  years he has contributed some excellent pictures and more importantly has created a series of story lines which have followed the transformation of bits of the city and the surrounding areas.

And he is dedicated and persistent  in his determination to record a chosen site from the time when a property is vacated or has become neglected and run down, to its demolition, followed by the moment when the builder’s break the ground and a new property begins to rise.

In this case it is those two doors, which I have passed countless times, and never given them a second thought.

In time I will go looking for their history, but I am confident someone will come up with chapter and verse, but until then I will leave you with those two doors, and the fun of speculating on the changes that have been made to the houses that share these doors.

Location; Stretford

Picture; two doors …… Chester Road, 2019, from the collection of Andy Robertson

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