Thursday 6 February 2020

Travels through Didsbury ………… on a Saturday in February …. shoes, shoes, and more shoes

With the demise of traditional retail, squeezed by supermarkets and online shopping, the charity shop and bar culture have saved many a High Street.

Mind, Albert Hill Road, 2020
Didsbury has its share of both, and I think we are the winners.

Leaving me just to do the lazy thing, and throw in a picture of that bit of Wilmslow Road, which includes the shop which now trades as Mind.*

Back then it was occupied by Edwards who was one of our butchers, and whose immediate neighbours, included an iron mongers and and yes .... a shoe shop.

And because this is 1967, the ironmongers, quick to exploit the then fad of the time, has turned the basement over to a "DOˑITˑYOURSELF" department in the basement.

Those old enough will remember Barry Bucknell and a series of TV programmes .

Wilmslow Road, 1967
At best they empowered people to improve their homes, and at worst led to wholesale destruction of traditional features with cheap materials, with the result that four decades on householders tore out the hardboard which covered ornate doors and beautiful fireplaces.

But such stories are best left to another time.

Location; Didsbury

Picture; Albert Hill Road, 2020, from the collection of Andrew Simpson, and Wilmlsow Road, 1967, "Courtesy of Manchester Archives+ Town Hall Photographers' Collection",


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