Sunday 19 July 2020

Boring pictures after the lock down …. no. 14.... California

Now, I thought we had done with the series Boring pictures after the lockdown, afterall in most places things are beginning to edge back to what they were, but Robert has confounded that idea.*

And that is partly because he was looking for the most boring scene, on the most boring of nights, and because in California, like other states in the USA, lock down can still be very real.

The original brief was that the picture should be by you and be boring.

And Robert who once lived in Chorlton but now resides in Ventura, near Los Angeles has delivered with  this one of his backyard, adding "Boring scene at night".

Location; Robert's back yard

Pictures; Robert's back yard, Ventura, California, from the collection of Robert Levy

*Boring pictures after the lockdown,

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