Tuesday 23 May 2023

Stealing other people’s pictures and memories

Now I am a great fan of other people’s pictures, especially when they are of places I have never been.

But it is also that I like to see through other people’s cameras at what they see as interesting and also at the way they take a picture.

To be fair I don’t actually steal but ask which cements an existing friendship and often makes new ones.

So here we are in Budapest in the winter in the company of Julie Thomas and her husband.

Julie posted a selection of pictures of the city yesterday on facebook and I was drawn to them and she has kindly consented to me sharing a selection, which builds on the earlier ones of trams I took from her collection.

I like the first one of the snow, a line of cars and the buildings beyond looking out from a restaurant which was perfectly matched by the two glasses, a bottle of sparkling water and the Danube beyond.

Which adds to the international aspect as the botteled water is from Italy.

In tine I will ask Julie what was in that posh looking glass and Just where in Budapest beside the river they were at the time.

Location; Budapest

Pictures; Budapest 2016, from the collection of Julie Thomas

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