Friday 4 December 2020

The snow story …... in Malnate ……. at 4 pm today

So, I like snow.

I also like fog, and I have been fascinated by both since I was a youngster growing up in south east London.

Neither I know can be quite helpful, especially  when you stuck in a traffic jam for four hours near the Swiss border.

In the case of fog, when I was growing up they erred on the side of smog and were deadly, but there was, and is something magic as the fog settles, and obscures everything muffling all but the loudest sounds.

And when it comes to snow, nice as it is it can be dreadful if you are stuck in it, which is how our Virginia got to be stuck in that traffic jam which shows no sign of clearing.

On the other hand if you are in doors there is something rather nice at watching it slowly tumble from the sky.

We are in Malnate, not far from Varese where some of the family still live.

And yes, I know it has been snowing in Glossop and no doubt across Scotland, and even tried a flurry here in Chorlton, but it looks a bit deeper in these pictures from Italy.

Location; Italy

Pictures; Malnate, 2020, from the collection of Francesca Balzano

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