Saturday 13 May 2017

Chorlton Pubs and Bars ....... a book for all occasions, all histories and, all beers

Now to say that our new book on pubs and bars is a book for all occasions may seem boastful, but I think not.

This is the story of the pubs, bars and beer houses of Chorlton covering the thirty-three you can visit, and another seven that vanished long ago.

They are grouped into six walks making it possible to gently amble from one to another taking in the history of the area as well as "The Stories Behind the Doors."

Added to which each drinking establishment is introduced by an original Peter painting with more of his artwork “peppered” throughout the book, along with a series of old and new photographs and a selection of maps which will both help you navigate the walks and tell you a bit more about Chorlton.

So if you want to know about the man, the goat and the Trevor Arms, the notorious Black Horse or the Home Office enquiry at the Lloyds into the “Great Chorlton Burial Scandal” look no further than the Chorlton edition of Manchester Pubs, The Stories Behind the Doors.

It is out on Friday May 19 and you can pre order at email Peter at or the old fashioned way on 07521 557888

Leaving me just to  commend this fascinating volume of 33 in the sure knowledge that you will find the stories interesting, the pubs and bars delightful and the 6 walks instructive.

Location; Chorlton across time and space

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