Tuesday 16 May 2017

Stories behind the book ......... a thank you

It has only been a few days since we signed off the new book on the pubs and bars of Chorlton.

In the way of modern publishing it went down the wire on Thursday and just a week or so later the first batch will be with us on May 19th.

As you do, I began reflecting on the people who made it all possible.  There were those who supplied stories, along with those who found long forgotten pictures and others who went off to do a bit of supportive research.

And then there are the two or three who have the job of proof reading the manuscript.  It doesn’t matter how many spell checks you do and how many times you read through the text there are always mistakes.

Part of that comes from just writing it, because when you re read it, often you see what you wanted to say and quite simply miss the spelling error or the grammatical slip up.

And even when all that is done there can still be the odd typo as well as the technical question of exactly how  a certain word should be seen on the page.

Now the full list of those we thanked appears in the book, but I would just like to thank Andy Robertson who supplied pictures, and went away at frequent intervals to trawl the 1969 street directory, and Linda Topping and Lindy Newns who had the  task of proof reading the entire book , not once but twice.

And finally there are the staff and owners of the 33 bars and pubs who offered up information, and who were prepared to be photographed pouring a pint.

It is out on Friday May 19 and you can pre order at www.pubbooks.co.uk email Peter at peter@pubbooks.co.uk or the old fashioned way on 07521 557888

Location; Chorlton

*A new book on the pubs and bars of Chorlton, https://chorltonhistory.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/A%20new%20book%20on%20Chorlton%20Pubs%20and%20bars


  1. Can we have a sneak preview as before with the excellent city centre book?
