Friday 12 April 2024

A cornucopia of past delights ……… Brewery Street, 1960

Now there are a number of possible locations for this picture, given that there were three Brewery Streets listed in the middle of the last century across Manchester and Salford.

But I rather think we are on Rochdale Road, but I am prepared to be corrected.

That said, what interests me more are the products in the adverts placed across the shop.

There will be many people who remember The News of the World, but you will have to be much older to have bought Reynold’s News, and watched as your dad smoked a packet of Woodbines, alternating with Senior Service, and Park Drive on pay day.

And that is all I am going to say.

Location; Manchester

Picture; Brewery Street, 1960,  "Courtesy of Manchester Archives+ Town Hall Photographers' Collection",


  1. Dear Andrew,
    This photo is taken looking South on Great Ducie Street just before Trinity Way towards the bridge carrying the railway tracks into Victoria Station. You can see the same pattern on the side of the iron bridge, now painted purple and cream. Brewery Steet referred to Strangeways Brewery and Boddingtons.


  2. I love everything about this photo including the stout lady with the little purse.

  3. have to agree with anno this is Great Ducie St the bridge is still there and has just been repainted and the building behind the bridge is Chets.

  4. Definitely Great Ducie St with Chets the other side of the Bridge which has just been repainted Brewery St would take you into Boddingtons.

  5. have to agree with anno this is Great Ducie St the bridge is still there and has just been repainted and the building behind the bridge is Chets.
