Wednesday 22 December 2021

Another Christmas .... another Eagle

Now I make no apologies for this.

Christmas card from the Eagle Society, 2021

If you weren't a fan of the Eagle comic which spanned the 1950s and 60's look away and despair.

The Eagle emblem
It was and remains the best boy's comic of those two decades, mixing adventure, and humour with more than enough factual content; from historical series to its famous cutaways.

And anyone who regularly reads the blog will have clocked a shedload of stories about the comic, its main characters and the Eagle Society which is dedicated to bringing the comic to a new readership as well as making those of us in receipt of our state pension very happy.

The main "hero" was Dan Dare Pilot of the Future who was born in Manchester, and following on from the Eagle's success, it was followed by Girl, Swift and Robin.

So those who want to know more after they have read the back blog stories* you can look up the society.**

Picture; Christmas card from the Eagle Society, from the front page of the Eagle comic, December 22, 1950, No. 37

*The Eagle,

**The Eagle Society,

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