Sunday 18 February 2018

Turn Moss ...... a plan, a protest and a question

Now I am always a little concerned when I read a developer referring to “community use” in a plan they are proposing.

The Old Road, Hawthorn Lane, 2010
At which point I have to say this is not an attack on developers.

We all live in properties and on estates which were once the dream of a developer, whether it be the piecemeal development around Beech Road, the planned estate which is Chorltonville or any one of those ribbon developments  along Edge Lane, Wilbraham Road and the roads off.

All of which brings me to the issue of the day which are the plans to develop part of Turn Moss into playing fields for the UA92 university and Salford City FC.

I have to admit until recently this passed me by, but it has received increasing press coverage,* is in the Master Plan for Stretford** and has now been the subject of a planning application.***

Added to which there is now a community based action group opposed to  the existing plans which has organised a demonstration this afternoon at Turn Moss Car Park, meeting at 2pm.****

Turn Moss was and still is on the flood plain of the Mersey, although modern flood prevention has mitigated much of the earlier flooding which could create a lake 3 miles across.

For this reason much of the land was farmed as pasture or arable, with sections on the Chorlton side used for meadow farming.

Some of the land has long been given over to football pitches but reading the various accounts of the plans to develop I have a sense that what is proposed will change the area.

The Briscat, 1950
One application talks of a new floodlit artificial football pitch, perimeter trim trail and cycle path, a children's play area, a cafe and refurbished sports changing facilities for community use.

These will be accompanied by  the development of a new football training facility including 3 training pitches, a goalkeeper training pitch, running mounds, and a changing office facility, and gym  together with associated landscaping, lighting, fencing, drainage, overspill car parking area, highways alterations and other works.***

I am not sure how this will impact on Mr and Mrs Trellis and their Sunday walk with Bowser the dog or any of the impact on nearby residents who use it to enjoy the wildlife, and a stroll.

The Master Plan for Stretford mentions it just twice, once on page 27 and again on page 49 with the rather unhelpful “There is an opportunity to provide enhanced outdoor sport facilities at Turn Moss Playing Fields. 

This will include potential training facilities to this site alongside delivery of a range of improvements to facilities that are accessible to the local community.**

To be fair the report covers a wide range of development plans which look to tackle some of the serious issues related to the area, but its comments on the Moss are vague.

So that leaves me falling back on the planning application pondering that "community use" and a wish to to talk to those who are most concerned.

Sadly I won’t be there this afternoon, ..... a busted knee makes a wander out less than pleasant.

But I will be looking forward to getting the reports, and while I wait the story of the day, the historian in me ponders on the great Mass Trespass event of 1932 when a group of Ramblers asserted their right to walk across Kinder Scout.

This some may mutter is over the top, but you can never be too assertive when it comes to defending what has become a community asset.

Well we shall see.

Location; Turn Moss

Pictures; the old road, Hawthorn Lane, 2011 from the collection of Andrew Simpson, and the Briscat, Turn Moss, 1950, W Jackson from the Lloyd Collection

* Gary Neville's plans to build football training pitches face red card amid green belt row, Jennifer Williams, February 14, 2018,

**The Refreshment of the Stretford Master Plan, Trafford Council,Final Draft, January 2018, 

***Alterations to Turn Moss Playing Fields, Trafford Planning Portal, 93628/FUL/18,

****Friends of Turn Moss, facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Your mention of the mass trespass on Kinder Scout leads me to introduce you to Charles T Tallent Bateman, born in Old Trafford and lived in Steven St (later renamed Norwood Rd)an antiquarian and literary enthusiast his claim to fame is of taking a leading role in securing for the public the right of way over Kinder Scout for which he was then known as the 'Solicitor for Kinder Scout'.
