Wednesday 24 July 2019

A business card, a café and another Chorlton story

Now, over the years Bob Jones has shared some fascinating photographs from his collection, and the other day, these two popped into the inbox.

Bob’s dad ran the pet shop on Beech Road, which is now Franny and Filer but was once a beer shop, while Bob worked in the butcher’s shop directly opposite.

I knew his wife had worked at Stevenson’s the hairdressers on Wilbraham Road, but not that his dad had set up J.B. Luxury Cars … “Weddings Our Specialty”.

It was a joint venture with Robert Burgess who ran Bob’s Café at 137 Beech Road and looking at the picture of the car and driver, they were a class outfit.

I don’t have a date for either the business card, or the picture, but next time I ma in Central Ref, I will trawl the directories to fix the date which I suspect will be the early 1950s.

And that set me going on just what other businesses had occupied the two shops.

In the case of no. 70, it had been the Traveler’s Rest from the early 1830s into the beginning of the 20th century, when it was occupied by variety of different businesses, from an upholsterer, to pet shop, bakery and artist studio.

Across the road, there has been more continuity.  In the early part of the last century it was a tobacconist and sweet shop and I can track it through a Mr. William Cheetham from at least 1903, to Mrs. Dorothy Kraus in 1911, and a Mrs. Bertha Hooley in 1939.

After which there is a gap, which again will have to rectified by researching the directories.

In the 1950s, it was Bob’s Café, and in 1969 Benny’s snack bar.  More recently it was Miami Pizza and Chorlton Green Brasserie.

Just leaving me to make an appeal for the missing years, from 1969, into this century.

It is a gap even more frustrating because I will have passed it regularly through those decades, and can’t remember what it was, and sadly have no pictures.

Still someone will.

Location; Chorlton

Pictures; from the collection of Bob Jones

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