Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Even coal hole covers can be mysterious ... out in Greenwich with a puzzle

Now, I have a new obsession, and it is those iron coal hole covers, which have all but vanished.

Once they were a feature of most houses, came in all sorts of designs and some carried the name of the iron foundry where they were made.

They were the point where the coal man poured the coal down into the cellar, and I just can’t get enough of them.

A few days ago, I made an appeal for pictures and was impressed by the number of people who share my love of all things coal and metal.

And so here are two, sent in by Steve Smith, and because I grew up in Eltham just south of Woolwich, the first is my favourite.

I went looking for Lloyd and Sons, and although I came across some promising leads I have yet to find them in Woolwich at the time their coal hole cover was made.

But I bet someone will have chapter and verse.

And I am hoping that they can help with the second which looks to have the name Deptford and Lewisham on the cover.

I think the image has been reversed and I am useless at decoding such things.

Steve tells me both came from Greenwich.

And the rest as they say awaits developments.

Leaving me just to repeat the appeal for pictures of iron covers, which don’t have to be coal, I am happy to receive all sorts.

Postscript .............. and a thank you to Sue Hennessey and John Baker who instantly recognised the back to front name in the middle of the second cover as Haycraft & Son.

Location; Greenwich

Pictures; coal hole covers, dates unknown, from the collection of Steve Smith

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