Sunday, 2 February 2025

So did they change Piccadilly Railway Station approach?

Now if you are curious to know what happened to the buildings to the left of the British Railways tower you need do no more than look down at its companion picture.

Location; Piccadilly Railway Station approach

Picture Piccadilly Railway Station approach, 1963, Courtesy of Manchester Archives+ Town Hall Photographers' Collection, and in 2017 from the collection of Andrew Simpson


  1. There not the same building.

  2. No they aren't as I said it is the building to the left of the tall office block which has gone in favour of the S building.

  3. Monroes Pub is visible (bottom left, 12 upper windows)
    then called The White Hart.

  4. How can I download or buy this photo. I worked for the NHS that building. It was ultra modern at tge time.
