Thursday 2 May 2024

Polling day and a heap of election stories ………..

It’s that day again when you either eagerly embrace the walk to the polling station or like Brenda of Bristol exclaim, "You're joking - not another one!".*

Polling Day, 2022
Now I have always liked elections.

For four decades I actively took part in election campaigning starting in 1966 at the age of 16, and now having slowed down a tad, I still follow them.

And over the years I have written extensively on the political fortunes of the major political parties here in Chorlton.

In the early 20th century, it was a straight contest between the Conservatives and Liberals, with each alternating election victories between 1920 to 1928.

But the Liberals were on the slide. They won their last seat in 1932, saw their sitting councillor Lady Sheena Simon loose to the Conservatives the following year and after 1935 did not contest another election until after the war by which time Labour were asserting themselves as the real alternative.

St John's Polling Station, 2022
Throughout the years after the last world war Chorlton returned Tory councillors until Labour won for the first time in 1986.

And despite losing the following year, there after It was Labour the electorate returned with just a short hiccup in the early 21st century when the Lib Dems made a brief successful electoral run.

That electoral run ended in 2011 and despite their much repeated and tired slogan “only the Lib Dems can win here”, their share of the vote has fallen and in many years they have been pushed in to third place.

Voting for All Three Chorlton Ward, 1904
The weather forecast looks good and for any one who has run or participated in a campaign that it is important. 

The received knowledge was always that good weather brought out the voters, especially at teatime when families took the decision to stroll down together after work.

The counts for the Manchester elections take place on Friday morning with the results posted live as they happen on the Manchester Evening site and from the Council at Election results for Manchester City Council, 2024,

Leaving me just to hope for good weather and reflect that in the last few years the electoral contest in  Chorlton has gone quiet.

Once posters for all the main contenders would adorn windows, loud speaker vans would patrol the streets, and a bevy of election workers would be everywhere.

Not so this time.

And more disappointing only the Labour Party has seen fit  to treat me seriously and deliver their message and a bit about their candidates in leaflets  through the door.  

An election before now, 1980
The others haven't bothered, perhaps because they haven't the resources, or the will to seek my vote or just because they don't think I am worthy.

Even now it is not to late to get a message from them.

We shall see.

Pictures; Polling day,2022,  an appeal to vote, 1904, and a selection of election material, 1980,  from the collection of Andrew Simpson

*Brenda of Bristol,2017, BBC News,

*Chorlton Elections,

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