Thursday 23 May 2024

So good it had to be done twice ……..

And why not?

The network may only run for 15 miles along two lines with 22 trams but then the city according to one source is “of a manageable size and much is within walking distance……[so with] public transport  available for longer distances” the tram is the thing.*


And with an eye to the positive the network promises “Our strength: short distances” which is nicely delivered by tramcar no. 13.

It was spotted by my travelling chum who yesterday offered up a picture of one of the modern fleet and not content with that was out before breakfast to snap its older companion.

At which point Eric custodian of all things trams will provide a detailed description of tramcar no. 13 but for now I will leave you with the revelation that “Every Saturday until the end of 2022, buses and trams in the city area of Ulm/Neu-Ulm can be used free of charge”.*

Now there will be those who spot that the offer ran out in 2 years ago and so I am wondering if the scheme has made it in 2024, or has some one not updated the promise?

I could phone the company and ask but I am the first to acknowledge that my German isn’t up to the task.

Leaving me to wonder if my travelling chum will pursue the offer and if so will he choose car 13 or 65?

The possibilities are too exciting to contemplate.

Location; Ulm

Picture; the Ulm tram, 2024

* Public Transport in Ulm/Neu-Ulm,

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