Friday, 20 March 2020

1931 on Vine Street Kersal .........with a link to Manchester and Sheffield

Now here is one of those little mysteries which I know we will never quite get to the bottom of.

The picture postcard is entitled Kersal from the Cliff and is a fascinating snap shot of the river and surrounding area.

But as ever it is the message on the back which for me is equally interesting.

It is from Edna writing to Miss Hilda Pursall, c/o The Brightside & Carbrook Co-op Society, City Stores, Exchange Street, Sheffield.

Edna proudly tells her friend that she was “having a great time.  Church marked with a cross is where I am staying.  There are 14 Boys & only 2 girls.”

The card caught the 1.30 post and was sent on June 16, 1931.

Now Edna makes reference to the 1.30 bus so I guess she caught an earlier one and posted it on the way.

The post mark might even give me a clue as to where, so I shall go and ask David Harrop who passed the card over to me from his collection.

In the meantime I went looking for where she lived because most helpfully she added it to the back.  It was “Thorncliffe," Vine Street, Kersal.

Now I am unsure what the property was in 1931 but two decades earlier it was the home of Thomas Crompton Waterhouse who described himself as a “cotton manufacturer” and earlier an importer of “foreign dress goods” with offices at 27 Church Street, Manchester which runs from High Street to Tib Street.

I can’t be sure if the building that occupies the site today is the one he carried on his business from or whether he would approve of its current use as a tattoo parlour.

Now that is bit away from “Thorncliffe” at 18 Vine Street which was a sixteen roomed house and was a tad smaller than the rectory which had 21 rooms but head of its neighbours.

In time I will take a walk down Vine Street.

Sadly a similar trip to City Stores, Exchange Street in Sheffield will draw a blank because it has long gone possibly under a recent development on an unremarkable 1960s shopping precinct called the Castle which itself has all but been knocked down.

This I know because our Josh and Polly live close by and the last time we were there it was a pile of rubble.

And that really is a long way from Kersall.

Location; Salford

Picture; Kersal from the Cliff, circa 1931, from the collection of David Harrop

1 comment:

  1. I think the building to the left of the picture could be the stables of The Manchester Racecourse. The land to the right is known as The Lanny (Landslide) a series of landslips has occurred in this area from the 1880's through to the 1930's.
