Friday 12 February 2016

A little bit of history, celebrating Chorlton and its people ........... “CROSSROADS - AN ART EVENT BY KEN FOSTERS CYCLES”

It is pretty much a given that today’s art exhibition will be tomorrow’s bit of history.

I can think of plenty of shows I have attended which are still remembered as important events and have since been seen as a significant step in the story of an artist.

And then there is the chance that the odd landscape will later be a clue to how a place has changed.

History books are full of those magnificent sweeping panoramas of 18th century London painted from the Thames which invite comparisons with the same scene today and there will be a fair few who have gazed on that picture of the Hay Wain and visited Flatford Mill to see how Constable’s work has been messed about.

Now I don’t make any claims that “CROSSROADS - AN ART EVENT BY KEN FOSTERS CYCLES” will be talked about in fifty years time but it might be, after all six local artists have come together to celebrate Chorlton and its people.

“The primary exhibit is a 6.6m by 2.6m blow up of a panoramic painting of Chorlton Cross by Peter Topping and displaying their work in support of this project are Christine Evans, Gwyn Jones, Graham Nicholson Susan Parry and Steve Raw along with of course Peter Topping.”*

That said I fear the title Chorlton Cross will not be remembered.

The name was a creation of the planning department and has never really caught on.

For most people this bit of Chorlton is better known as the Four Banks and for those of us who are much older it will forever be Kemp’s Corner.

That said back at the end of the 19th century there were those who referred to it as Bank Square which all goes to show that place names arise out of peoples’ experiences.

With a bank on each corner why call it anything else?

And by the same logic when Harry Kemp fastened a big clock to the side of his chemist shop and it became a popular landmark it followed that people would arrange to meet at “Kemp’s Corner.”

In the same way for centuries the junction of Barlow Moor Road and High Lane was known as Lane End and appeared on official maps and census returns, although during the early part of the 19th century it was often called Brundrett’s Corner after Mr Brundrett’s grocery shop.

All of which just leaves me to record that I will be there at the exhibition if anyone has a question on Chorlton’s history.

The exhibition will be on from Saturday February 27, at 10.30am - 5.00 pm and Sunday February 28 at 11.00am - 4.00pm.

But for those who can't wait here is Peter's instant record of the installation of that painting, just follow the link although I have to say it is no substitute for the real thing.**

On this you have been told.

Location, Fosters Cycle Shop, Barlow Moor Road, Chorlton

Painting; Crossroads © 2016 Peter Topping 


Facebook: Paintings from Pictures

*Press release

**Crossroads Mural Installation at Ken Fosters Cycles

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