Monday 30 November 2020

In celebration of A. Harold Clarke …….. photographer of Chorlton

This is a picture postcard of the old chapel which predated the parish church on the green, and was taken from an original print which appeared in John Booker’s account of the chapels of Didsbury and Chorlton, published in 1857.*

But for once the story is not about the picture postcard but A. Harold Clarke who produced the card along with many others during the 1920s and 30s.

He is someone who I have written about on several occasions on the blog and who was also the subject of a biography by his grandson Tony Goulding.**

Mr. Clarke’s pictures of Chorlton pop up all the time and remain a wonderful insight into what the township was like in the decades after the Great War.

The real prize of course would be to find the catalogue of all Mr. Clarke’s postcards.

In the meantime I will just point out that someone got the date wrong for when the chapel was demolished, which was not 1760 but 1799.

But we can't blame Mr. Clarke for that.

Location; Chorlton-cum-Hardy

Picture; Former Parish Church, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, 16th century, A.H.C, 662, from the collection of Tony Goulding, donated by Linda Rigby

*A History of the Ancient Chapels of  Didsbury and Chorlton, The Rev, John Booker, 1857

** Harold Clarke,

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