Tuesday 10 November 2020

News from the Manchester Jewish Museum ……..

It’s always good when I get the regular newsletter from the Manchester Jewish Museum, with its mix of news of the progress on the extension as well as their programme of events stretching into the new year.

All of which just leaves me to qoute from their newsletter and leave the link.

"A Season of Trailblazers

Manchester Jewish Museum is re-emerging and transforming. 

In the lead-up to our historic building’s reopening in Spring 2021, we present a season of treats and sneaky peeks. 

Come and re-imagine a museum, reset the conversation, and reconnect with the stories from our collection that are bursting to be told right now. 

As we all re-awaken from our experiences of 2020, we can’t wait to welcome you back over to ours to connect with each other to make positive change.

Our incredible artists are activating our archives through drag, sound, food and theatre, questioning what stories we need to hear right now. 

Get ready for a rollicking high-camp drag night with Chanukah Lewinsky, musical conversations about radical ways of thinking and living, our Creative Activists showcasing creative responses to Mancunian Holocaust experiences, literally eating our way through the archives with theatre chef Leo Burtin and exploring our own journeys by walking back in time together though Redbank and Cheetham. 

There’s no time like the present or will be again, so let’s take hold of this time to reimagine – reset – reconnect together.

Our monthly trailblazers are tasters of what’s to come in our new weekly Thursday Lates events series when the museum re-opens".

So that is it.

Lots to go and see and enjoy, a mix of news history, culture and more than a bit of fun.

I think my first choice will be the Historic Jewish Quarter Experience.

"Experience Cheetham Hill Road as never before as the Bare Project Theatre Company invite you on a multi-sensory walk around Manchester’s historic Jewish quarter. 

Characters from the archives will beckon round corners, whisper fleeting anecdotes and lead us through the streets and through time. Jewish and non-Jewish people from all over the world have navigated their way to Cheetham for hundreds of years in very different circumstances. 

Find out why the area remains one of the most diverse in the country where many continue to live, worship, work and play. 

Come along with us (in sensible footwear of course!) and tell your own stories on the way".

Leaving me just to highlight, Chanukah Lewinsky' Big Quiz Night, which "is back. Host of queer, Jewish cabaret Homos and Houmous (think Julie Walters on speed), they’ll be beaming campy quiz rounds direct to your living room featuring stories from our collection you never thought you needed to know… 

Can you spot a celebrity just from their hairdo? Will you be able to tell your dames from your ugly sisters in our 1950s Jewish pantomime round? Who will be victorious in their innuendos? 

With guest appearances from drag king wrestling duo Men Brûlée and Glasgow’s emerging queer, yiddish café Pink Peacock. Pyjamas, faux fur coats and espresso martinis optional but definitely encouraged.

You can play the quiz on your own or as a team in household bubbles. There is no problem if you want to form a team with others who are not in your household bubble, all you need to do is sign up individually for a zoom place and communicate with each other via phone to co-ordinate your answers. We will guide everyone through the process on the night.

This event is pay what you feel. The money raised will support our community arts programming as part of the re-development of the museum".

Pictures; courtesy of the Manchester Jewish Museum

* https://www.manchesterjewishmuseum.com/festival/reimagine-reset-reconnect/

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