Saturday 6 March 2021

A little bit of the Jubilee in Didsbury ..... Grange Lane

Now I am back with a picture I took last year and a confession that I never followed up on tracking down just when this small space was laid out.

The plot is located at the corner of Wilmslow Road and Grange Lane, and I will have passed it lots of times.

Over the years I noticed it had a revamp, and even wrote about it, but never bothered to fill in my missing knowledge.

Someone had told me that it dated back to 2002, and now I know that is true, because while looking for something else on the City Council’s Planning Portal I came up with this, "Jubilee Gardens Grange, Reformation of former open space into a jubilee garden commemorating 50 years of the reign of Elizabeth II involving paving, planting and boundary treatment".

The application had been made in November 2001 and granted in the following January, the applicant’s name was the Didsbury Civic Society, which seems appropriate as I have just renewed by subscription.***

Location; Didsbury

Picture; Jubilee Gardens, 2020, from the collection of Andrew Simpson

*A little bit of the story of that public garden on Grange Lane.....

** Jubilee Gardens Grange, Manchester Council Planning Portal, Ref 063710/FO/SOUTH2/01, 2002,

***Didsbury Civic Society,

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