Sunday 2 April 2017

Waiting for the call from the Alghero Tourist Board

Now yesterday I featured a pure piece of silliness based the idea of taking a favourite picture and turning it into a style of poster popular in the middle of the last century.

The poster was a painting by Peter of a photograph I had taken in Alba Adriatica.

And that made me think of other places in Italy which might need an advertising poster.

So with that in mind I pondered on using this picture which was taken in the old part of Alghero which is in Sardinia.

For those that like their seaside resorts with a dash of history and romance Alghero has it all.  The streets twist and turn becoming impossibly narrow, the town wall looks out over the sea and the main piazza bubbles with activity in the evenings.

So If I were the tourist office of the town council I might decide I didn’t have to work too hard on promoting the place but if I had to I might choose the Lemon Man

I shall await the phone call from them offering me a job.

Location; Sardinia

Picture; Alghero 2015, from the collection of Andrew Simpson

*Posters from the Past,

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